Support docs

How do I turn off summarized answers and just see the top matches?

Sometimes you may want to see just the top matches with snippets/dates. Here's how.

QueryPal typically includes a summarized answer at the top of each response. However, each bot also has an individual toggle to turn those answers off and simply show the top matches with text snippets and dates, so you can quickly see the most relevant docs or chats. 

To turn this on, go to, select on the particular bot you'd like to switch over to reference-only answers, and open the 'Advanced' section at the bottom. You'll see the toggle for reference-only answers (highlighted in green below).

Click the toggle to enable reference-only answers, and don't forget to press the 'Save' button. You're all set! 


When you enable this features, QueryPal's responses (for that particular bot/channel) will look like this — and typically include more reference links than in the default summarized-answer form: